Political surveys allow political candidates to understand the public’s opinions and beliefs. Questions must be worded to obtain pure, clean data that candidates can use to better position themselves.
The following political survey questions are examples of what your survey might use. NBRI tailors question design for each client based on their needs and goals.
The City should assist corporations to expand to create jobs.
The creation of jobs is more important than business tax revenue.
The City should pursue corporations to relocate to our area.
The City should offer incentives for companies to create more jobs.
The City should offer incentives to socially responsible corporations.
Protecting the environment is more important than business tax revenue.
The City should offer additional incentives to environmentally friendly corporations.
The City currently structures corporate incentives to benefit the City more than corporations.
I trust the City to make decisions that are good for the area.
Overall, I am satisfied with the City's efforts to create more jobs.
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We handle it all, from survey creation and in-depth reporting to turning the research into real benefits for you. Tell us what you need, and we’ll deliver.
NBRI surveys give businesses a competitive edge, forming a clear path to profit improvement. Reach out today for more information — we are here to help.