Business to Business (B2B) How many people are employed by your company at your location?
1 to 50
51 to 150
151 to 500
501 to 1,000
1,001 to 3,500
3,501 to 7,000
7,001 to 10,000
More than 10,000
My company purchases its office supplies from:
1 vendor
2 vendors
3 to 4 vendors
5 vendors or more
Our choice of office supply vendor(s) is primarily driven by:
Availability/Stock Levels
Delivery Time/Speed
Ability to Stock Unique/Unusual Products
My company tends to order office supplies approximately:
Once a Week
Every Two Weeks
Once a Month
Every Two Months
Four Times a Year
Less Than Four Times a Year
An order for office supplies is triggered when (check all that apply):
Employees Notify Office Managers of Low Stock
Office Managers Note Low Levels During Routine Assessments
A Certain Time Period has Elapsed (i.e. Automatic Ordering/Shipment)
Other (please specify)
The amount of supplies we have on hand is typically:
Too Much
Too Little
Just Right
Our current ordering system ensures we order the correct materials.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Monitoring the stock of office supplies takes an appropriate amount of time.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Over the past year, my company has frequently run out of office supplies.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Our company would pay more for flexible, just-in-time shipping of office supplies.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Our current ordering system could be improved.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Using a smartphone to scan a barcode/UPC to order supplies would be more convenient than our current method of ordering.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I would like a reordering system that would allow me to use a smartphone to scan barcodes/UPC of desired products.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Business to Consumer (B2C) In a typical week, I dine out approximately:
Less Than Once a Week
1-2 Times a Week
3-4 Times a Week
4-5 Times a Week
More Than 5 Times a Week
When I dine out, I tend to eat:
By Myself
With Another Person
With 2-4 Other People
With 5 People or More
When I select a restaurant, I tend to chose:
American (e.g. steak, burgers, BBQ)
Mexican/Latin American Food (e.g. fajitas, tacos, etc)
Asian (e.g. stirfry, curry, noodle/rice dishes)
Italian (e.g. pizza, pasta)
The total amount I spend on food for one person tends to be:
Less Than 5 Dollars
5 to 8 Dollars
9 to 11 Dollars
12 to 15 Dollars
15 to 20 Dollars
21 to 26 Dollars
More Than 26 Dollars
Most of the restaurants you eat at tend to be how many miles from your home/work?
Less Than 3 Miles
3 to 5 Miles
6 to 10 Miles
11 to 15 Miles
16 to 20 Miles
More Than 20 Miles
Please rank the attributes that are most important to you when considering a new restaurant from 1 (most important) to 6 (least important):
Convenient Location
Restaurant's Atmosphere or Ambiance
Range of Items Available on the Menu
Word of Mouth/Reviews
Uniqueness of the Menu
When dining out, I tend to order food that is difficult to cook at home.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I tend to order the same dish at my favorite restaurants.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I would rather order at the counter than at my table.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I would sacrifice the privacy of my seating to have faster service.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I dislike using plastic silverware.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I prefer an 'open kitchen' concept, where patrons can see the kitchen from their table.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
The quality of a restaurant's food is more important than the quality of their service.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I like restaurants that are decorated in a specific theme.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
I am sensitive to the noise level in a restaurant.
Strongly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree