FAQ: Reporting
How can I compare against my previous data?
NBRI may import your previous data and include that data in the reports that we provide. Our review and mapping of your existing survey questions to normative survey questions allows you to benchmark internally against your own data and externally with NBRI ClearPath Benchmarking.
How can survey research results be reported?
At the end of the study or at various intervals for ongoing studies, it is important to receive data that is easily understood by managers, and it is also important that they not be overwhelmed with the amount of data they receive.
Data reports may be produced which display overall results for each topic and survey question and/or at specific reporting levels. In this way, senior management may review all results in a single report, while managers receive a report, which compares only their results with the organization as a whole.
The usefulness and effectiveness of any survey research study hinges, in part, upon the clarity of the data presentation. Receiving meaningful feedback that clearly presents the information needed to formulate action plans allows the organization to grow and prosper.
In addition to data reports, you may have comment report(s) to relay responses to open-ended questions on the survey or a raw data file of survey responses. Accompanying these reports may also be an Executive Summary and Text Analytics reports.
How will we access the survey data?
Survey data is available through our platform. The NBRI platform securely stores your data allowing users to access only the data for which they have permission. With a dashboard and on-demand reporting capabilities, it has never been easier to access and manage your data.
What is an executive summary?
An Executive Summary documents the method, results, and recommendations of the survey and contains both descriptive and inferential statistics. The methodology of the study includes how the research instrument was developed, and when and how the survey was deployed so that the study can be replicated in the future. Results are presented at the Total Company level for each topic and item individually so that a thorough understanding of the results is reached. The Executive Summary then presents the Root Cause Analysis, which identifies primary driving factors, and provides management with prioritized recommendations which, when addressed, will result in the greatest amount of positive change throughout the company.
The Executive Summary provides a summary of organizational performance compared with the Industry Average, Stretch Performance, and Best in Class. As you survey over time, the Executive Summary includes historical comparisons to demonstrate the change in scores from the first to second survey. Beginning with the third survey, the Executive Summary includes trend analysis.
What types of reports will I receive?
NBRI offers a variety of scheduled and on-demand reports including data reports, comment reports, text analytics reports, raw data files, executive summaries, and results presentations. Standardized report formats enable management to easily move from one report to another, even across survey types. And, we can partner with you to develop custom reporting as needed.