How to Conduct a Survey – Survey Basics
Survey Research can be broken down into 5 steps. How difficult the individual steps are depends on the size and scope of your project. Try to take each step individually. This will keep you from getting overwhelmed and “stuck in the mud”.
The posts to follow will each address one of these steps.
The five steps of the survey research method are:
- Create
- Deploy
- Analyze
- Take Action
- Re-Survey
Each step has its intricacies and pitfalls, but taken individually they are each easy to accomplish.
Expanding these steps we find several sub-steps.
1. Create
- Objectives
- Question Development
- Design the Survey Instrument
2. Deploy
- Online
- Telephone
- In Person
3. Analyze
- Reporting
- Benchmarking
- Statistical Analysis
4. Take Action
- Action Plans
- Execution of Action Plans
5. Re-Survey
- Measure Progress
- Adjust Action Plans
You should not proceed to the next step without fulfilling the requirements of the prior step. For instance, part of the Create process (Step 1) is to determine the objectives of your research. Your survey results may not be of any value if you do not correctly identify these research objectives.
I will post an article on each of the steps individually to keep them nicely compartmentalized.
Next, let’s talk about creating the survey.