A West Coast hospital with over 1,800 employees contacted NBRI for assistance in assessing the thinking of its employees. Being a leading healthcare provider, the client understands the importance of routinely evaluating the psychological health of its employee base. It is a well-known fact that hospital employee surveys are a best practice of leading healthcare providers.
The NBRI hospital employee survey was deployed over a two-week period to cover all shifts, as well as weekend and weekday employees. Job title was another important demographic segregation of the data. A 93% response rate provided preliminary indications of an involved and engaged workforce.
NBRI ClearPath Analytics identified a healthy management style at work within the hospital as the driver of 48% of all survey items. This single root cause was driving employees to be forthcoming about reporting patient errors, which in turn lowered employee stress and organizational liability, and enabled management to take corrective systemic action and reduce the number of errors made.
NBRI recommendations to leverage this positive finding were followed, resulting in increased scores of the root cause as well as all items driven by it within one year of the initial assessment. Indeed, when asked if employees would recommend the Hospital to family and friends for healthcare, the scores were above the 90th percentile for all job titles at the second assessment, an increase of over 15 benchmarking percentiles.