The Power of an NBRI Survey for Your Casino
The casino industry is a complex and difficult market. Even very successful casino operators can’t rest on their laurels. Other casinos battle fiercely, consistently, and eternally for your customers.
Many casinos realize the power of data when it comes to keeping customers happy. When your competition is right around the block (or right next door), keeping your customers happy is the key to keeping their business in your casino. Comps and even your location can be matched by the competition. But, your customer service will drive your business and differentiate you from the others. The best way to collect the guest experience data you need is with gaming & hospitality surveys.
Choosing a research firm to conduct the survey may not be an easy choice. After all, everyone has the same services – just like every casino has the same games, right? As a casino operator, you know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Every casino property is different and must be treated as such when it comes time to deploy a guest survey.
Look for a research firm that can offer these services:
ClearPath Benchmarking: Establishing your baseline guest survey scores is a great start, but the numbers don’t tell you much until you are able to compare them over time as you make changes and improvements, and compare them to your competitors’ scores. A company with decades of experience with primary data collection and a large customer base can compare your scores against gaming industry norms, in a process called benchmarking. This allows your casino to see how it stacks up against the rest of the industry and also against your closest competitors. Without benchmarking, you won’t know if your guest service is excellent or poor compared to your competitors.
ClearPath Analytics: When you deploy a survey, you want to understand the guest experience. What areas of your property need improvement? What services should you emphasize or discontinue? To the untrained eye, if your guests are complaining about wait times at their favorite restaurant, then it would seem as if you simply need more tables. But, with ClearPath Analytics, as an example, you may determine that you do in fact have the right number of tables, but your wait staff is not proficient in handling a rush of customers. If you had added more tables, without really knowing the root cause of the issue, some of your profits would be needlessly lost. ClearPath Analytics allow you to quickly identify a training, performance, or resource issue and resolve the problem.
NBRI is the industry leader in gaming & hospitality surveys. Leading companies in many industries trust us to conduct their ever important customer, employee, and market research. In an evolving marketplace, it’s becoming more important every day to keep your finger on the pulse of your customers and employees. Contact us now, using our online form or by telephone at 800-756-6168, to receive a free quote for your casino research.